33 Results Found
Archaeological Assessment of Heritage Resources for the Assiniboine Riverwalk (300 Assiniboine Avenue)
Mechanised excavation of an assessment trench yielded 176 Postcontact artifacts dating between post-1826 to the early 20th century in the following categories: architectural objects; lighting; recreation; adornment; detritus; storage containers, including medicine, perfume, and beverage; ornamental containers; dinnerware; natural objects; floral and faunal remains. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue and the results of construction monitoring.
1990. Archaeological Assessment of Heritage Resources for the Assiniboine Riverwalk (300 Assiniboine Avenue). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Scatliff and Rech. [ CRM report (28pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Assessment of Impact Zones on South Point for the Proposed Norwood/Main Street Bridge Project
Impact assessment reports on operations yielding 309 artifacts from 4 trenches excavated by backhoe. Most date to between 1885 and 1925, with one exception predating 1880, and occasional recent specimens. Artifacts were recovered in the following categories: architectural objects; transportation; ornamental and storage containers including beverage, condiment, ink, medicine, chemical, and cosmetic bottles; dinnerware; faunal remains; detritus; clothing; recreation; lighting. Stratigraphy is detailed. Appendices include a hierarchical chart of the CHIN cataloguing format and artifact catalogue.
1990. Archaeological Assessment of Impact Zones on South Point for the Proposed Norwood/Main Street Bridge Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (63pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Background for the Spirit Island Servicing Project at The Forks (South Point)
This report was commissioned to provide an overview of known and potential heritage resources as part of a site development study for the area. Data are derived from archival resources and detailed reports of previous archaeological investigations in the area. Known historical events are summarized, as is the archaeological data, including identification of three locations with potential for artifact recovery. Relevant legislation is outlined, such as Manitoba Heritage Resources Act, and recommendations for heritage resources management are made.
2002. Archaeological Background for the Spirit Island Servicing Project at The Forks (South Point). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Earth Tech (Canada). [ CRM report (21pp)(HRB) ]
. Dig Site
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Archaeological Investigations in Conjunction with the Main/Norwood Project
This report on investigations in areas affected by the bridge project consists of 3 reports: 2 impact assessments – for CN Grade Separation Relocation and Fort Garry Curling Club Location – and one monitoring operation at the Bell Avenue Location. The 543 artifacts recovered date from Contact/Protocontact, later Blackduck tradition/Rainy River Composite (AD 1650-1770) to early 20th century, representing the following categories: Precontact lithics, ceramics; floral and faunal remains; architectural objects; lighting elements; communication; food procurement; commerce; clothing; recreation; adornment; transportation; glass and ceramic storage and ornamental containers; dinnerware; detritus. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail at each location. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Investigations in Conjunction with the Main/Norwood Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (81pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility
Mitigation of baseball facility construction yielded a total of 86,852 artifacts. Precontact artifacts recovered from two levels include: lithic tools; ceramics representative of Bird Lake, Rainy River, Plains Woodland, and Oneota-like styles; and faunal and floral remains. Postcontact artifacts fall under the following categories: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; food processing; clothing; recreation; transportation; unknown; faunal remains; containers including storage, cooking, and ornamental; glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer, and a discussion of land use covers Precontact (4000 BC-AD 1737), Fur Trade (AD 1737-1860), Immigration and Industrial (1860-1900), and Urban (1900-1970) Periods.
2000. Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to The Dominion Company. [ CRM monograph report (127pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Installation of Primary Pipes and Sewer Control Units (Norwood/Main Project)
Six locations underwent monitoring and mitigation, including 2 newly identified sites. Recovered Precontact artifacts (513) represent lithic, ceramic, floral and faunal categories. Ceramics are associated with the Late Woodland period (AD 600-1700). The occupation date suggested by stratigraphy is over 1000 years ago. Historic artifacts (37) represent the following categories: architectural objects; glass, wooden, and metal storage containers; dinnerware; faunal remains. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail for each location. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Installation of Primary Pipes and Sewer Control Units (Norwood/Main Project). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (43pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Northbound Norwood Bridge Construction Project
Construction monitoring recovered 7574 artifacts from the early 20th century, Protocontact (AD 1650 to 1740), and a Precontact occupation associated with the Blackduck culture (ca. AD 100 to 1400); and a Precontact human burial (dated 1375 years ago). Artifacts represent the following categories: lithics; Precontact ceramics; architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; clothing; transportation; floral and faunal remains; storage, cooking, ornamental and waste containers; dinnerware. Forensic analysis and cultural context are provided on the burial. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer. Appendices include a final report on the burial by Dr. Christopher Meiklejohn and an artifact catalogue.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Northbound Norwood Bridge Construction Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (144pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the West Roads Project
Monitoring and mitigation of construction of Pioneer and Water Avenue reconfiguration yielded Precontact artifacts (7001) tentatively attributed to the Peace Meeting horizon (AD 1275-1295) from the following categories: lithics, ceramics (Rainy River, Plains Woodland, Bird River), floral and faunal remains. Postcontact artifacts (49) derived from the Industrial Period (1870-1989) represent categories of: architectural objects; manufacturing equipment; clothing; recreation; adornment; medicine; glass and ceramic storage, cooking, and dinnerware containers. Where possible, containers (bottles, dinnerware) are identified by manufacturer and date. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the West Roads Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Wardrop Engineering Inc.. [ CRM report (65pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring at the Earl's Restaurant Site
wMonitoring of sub-surface augering and excavations for service installations yielded artifacts and stratigraphic data from the Urban Development Period (begins 1873 at this site). Structural remnants of North-West Laundry and the Bain Building, as well as 70 artifacts (dating to early 1900s, relating mainly to residential activities) were recovered. Artifacts represent the following categories: architectural objects; lighting; transportation; glass and ceramic ornamental and storage containers; dinnerware; faunal remains. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include historic maps and panoramas and artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Monitoring at the Earl's Restaurant Site. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to T-West Canada Ltd.. [ CRM report (55pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Additional Geo-technical Investigations at the Proposed Arena Location (Portage East Site)
Evidence of the recent Industrial Period (post-1870) was observed during monitoring of drilling operations in the form of stratigraphic sequences of land modification and fill. No evidence of occupations pre-dating this period was encountered; no artifacts were curated.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Additional Geo-technical Investigations at the Proposed Arena Location (Portage East Site). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Manitoba Entertainment Complex Inc. and DS-Lea Consultants Ltd.. [ CRM report (11pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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