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Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Northbound Norwood Bridge Construction Project
Construction monitoring recovered 7574 artifacts from the early 20th century, Protocontact (AD 1650 to 1740), and a Precontact occupation associated with the Blackduck culture (ca. AD 100 to 1400); and a Precontact human burial (dated 1375 years ago). Artifacts represent the following categories: lithics; Precontact ceramics; architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; clothing; transportation; floral and faunal remains; storage, cooking, ornamental and waste containers; dinnerware. Forensic analysis and cultural context are provided on the burial. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer. Appendices include a final report on the burial by Dr. Christopher Meiklejohn and an artifact catalogue.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Northbound Norwood Bridge Construction Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (144pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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