38 Results Found
Archaeological Impact Assessment for the Proposed Canadian Museum for Human Rights at The Forks
2004. Archaeological Impact Assessment for the Proposed Canadian Museum for Human Rights at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd. Prepared for Submitted to Friends of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Inc.. [ CRM monograph report (167pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Legacy Estates Project at The Forks
Eight assessment trenches were excavated yielding 5417 artifacts in the following categories: lithic; ceramic; floral and faunal remains; lighting and manufacturing equipment; clothing; transportation; unknown; storage and dinnerware containers. Pre-contact artifacts (5396) include Blackduck and Rainy River ceramics, and Post-contact artifacts (21) date from mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail, and stratigraphic profiles are included in appendices. Heritage resource management options are presented.
2000. Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Legacy Estates Project at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership.. [ CRM report (49pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
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Archaeological Investigation of the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1984
Report on the archaeological investigations carried out at the future site of The Forks NHS. Includes an historical overview, project objectives and findings of historic as well as pre-contact remains. Investigations were focused on suspected locations of Forts Gibraltar I and II and included soil testing using a truck-mounted auger.
1986. Archaeological Investigation of the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1984. Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research bulletin (17pp.)(FNHSC, MM, PC) ]
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Archaeological Investigations at The Forks National Historic Site, Winnipeg: Mitigation of the North Point Development
Monitoring of backhoe excavations and auger tests yielded a total of 1068 artifacts. Historic artifacts (22), all post-dating the construction of the B&B Building in 1888/89, represent the following categories: architectural objects; lighting equipment; transportation; glass, ceramic, and metal dinnerware and storage containers. Precontact artifacts (1046) represent: faunal remains; clothing manufacture; lithic; and ceramic. Ceramics are indicative of Plains cultural group manufacture, and the Precontact occupation here is estimated at 400-800 years ago. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1990. Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research bulletin (17pp.)(FNHSC, HRB, MM, PC) ]
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Archaeological Investigations in Conjunction with the Main/Norwood Project
This report on investigations in areas affected by the bridge project consists of 3 reports: 2 impact assessments – for CN Grade Separation Relocation and Fort Garry Curling Club Location – and one monitoring operation at the Bell Avenue Location. The 543 artifacts recovered date from Contact/Protocontact, later Blackduck tradition/Rainy River Composite (AD 1650-1770) to early 20th century, representing the following categories: Precontact lithics, ceramics; floral and faunal remains; architectural objects; lighting elements; communication; food procurement; commerce; clothing; recreation; adornment; transportation; glass and ceramic storage and ornamental containers; dinnerware; detritus. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail at each location. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Investigations in Conjunction with the Main/Norwood Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (81pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Mitigation at the Travel Manitoba Idea Centre at The Forks
Report on mitigation during which 5 archaeological strata were encountered. A total of 1375 artifacts were recovered, representing the following categories: lithic; ceramic; faunal and floral remains. Occupation is associated with Plains Woodland ceramic cultures during the Late Woodland period, and the date is estimated at ca. AD 1550±200. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
Note that after reconstruction, some vessels were re-identified as Avonlea (ca. AD 300-700), see Speidel, Paul, 1996.
Note that after reconstruction, some vessels were re-identified as Avonlea (ca. AD 300-700), see Speidel, Paul, 1996.
1994. Archaeological Mitigation at the Travel Manitoba Idea Centre at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Travel Manitoba, Manitoba Industry Trade and Tourism. [ CRM report (22pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
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Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility
Mitigation of baseball facility construction yielded a total of 86,852 artifacts. Precontact artifacts recovered from two levels include: lithic tools; ceramics representative of Bird Lake, Rainy River, Plains Woodland, and Oneota-like styles; and faunal and floral remains. Postcontact artifacts fall under the following categories: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; food processing; clothing; recreation; transportation; unknown; faunal remains; containers including storage, cooking, and ornamental; glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer, and a discussion of land use covers Precontact (4000 BC-AD 1737), Fur Trade (AD 1737-1860), Immigration and Industrial (1860-1900), and Urban (1900-1970) Periods.
2000. Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to The Dominion Company. [ CRM monograph report (127pp)(HRB, MM) ]
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Archaeological Mitigation of the Johnston Terminal Refurbishment Project
Mitigation of construction during refurbishment of the Johnston Terminal encountered archaeological horizon associated with the 3000-year-old Archaic Period. Stratigraphy and two hearth features are discussed. The 12,754 artifacts recovered were analyzed by material types lithic, floral, and faunal. A catalogue of artifacts is included in the appendices.
Archaeological Mitigation of the Johnston Terminal Refurbishment Project. Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Marwest Management Corporation Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (100pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
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Archaeological Mitigation, Monitoring And Salvage At The Canadian Museum For Human Rights, Winnipeg, Manitoba
2013. Archaeological Mitigation, Monitoring And Salvage At The Canadian Museum For Human Rights, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Winnipeg:PCL Constructors Inc., Winnipeg. Prepared for Prepared for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.. [ CRM monograph report (809pp.) (CMHR, TF-NP) ]
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Archaeological Monitoring & Mitigation of the CN Rail Overpass Reconstruction - Mile 0.40 Rivers Subdivision P.D. No.94-32
Monitoring of excavations yielded 1347 artifacts from early 20th century deposits (1900s to ca. 1950), a leather coat from the Homestead Period (1860s to 1880s), and 9789 artifacts from two Protocontact (ca. AD 1650 to 1740) horizons. Artifacts represent the following categories: lithics; architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; medicine; communication; food procurement and processing; clothing; transportation; trade goods, adornment; recreation; faunal and floral remains; glass, wooden and ceramic storage, cooking, ornamental, toiletry, and waste containers; glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer, and appendices include artifact catalogues from recoveries east and west of Main Street.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring & Mitigation of the CN Rail Overpass Reconstruction - Mile 0.40 Rivers Subdivision P.D. No.94-32. Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (266pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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