33 Results Found
Archaeological Monitoring of Gas Pipeline Installation along York Avenue (Main St. to Waterfront Dr.)
Monitoring of mechanized excavation of two vertical shafts required for installation of a natural gas pipeline from an existing line east of the intersection of York Avenue and Waterfront Drive did not yield any cultural material. Soil stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2004. Archaeological Monitoring of Gas Pipeline Installation along York Avenue (Main St. to Waterfront Dr.). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Manitoba Hydro. [ CRM report (6pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations at the Portage East Site
Monitoring of geo-technical investigations consisted of visual inspection of auger drillings. A total of 5 artifacts from the recent Industrial Period (post-1870) were recovered, with most relating to the last 50 years. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations at the Portage East Site. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Manitoba Entertainment Complex, Inc. and DS-Lea Consultants, Ltd.. [ CRM report (13pp)(TFNP, HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations on South-Point
Monitoring of 10 soil test drill holes consisted of visual inspection of disturbed and undisturbed soil columns. No evidence of Precontact occupation was observed, and Postcontact evidence was limited to fragmented structural artifacts. Stratigraphy is discussed.
1994. Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations on South-Point. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to HBT AGRA Limited, Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (8pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Hydro Pylon Caisson Drilling at the Portage East Site
Visual inspection of auger drilling resulted in the recovery of 11 artifacts from the recent Industrial Period (post-1870), mainly from activities of the last 50 years. Soil profiles were recorded. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Hydro Pylon Caisson Drilling at the Portage East Site. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Manitoba Entertainment Complex Inc. and DS-Lea Consultants Ltd.. [ CRM report (12pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Pumphouse Relocation Component of the Main/Norwood Bridge Project
Monitoring of the caisson drilling program yielded no evidence of Precontact Aboriginal or Postcontact European occupations.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Pumphouse Relocation Component of the Main/Norwood Bridge Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (7pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Expansion
Monitoring of the expansion of south-side seating facilities yielded a total of 1155 Precontact artifacts in the following categories: lithic; ceramic; floral and faunal remains. Preliminary identification of 2 ceramic rim sherds suggests Devil’s Lake-Sourisford and Oneota affiliation. As these types likely originated a significant distance away from The Forks, the cultural horizon is attributed to the Aboriginal Peace Meeting (640 years ago). Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Expansion. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Pre-Con Builders. [ CRM report (20pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Parking Lot
Monitoring of the construction of the baseball facility parking lot between Pioneer and Water Avenues yielded Pre- and Postcontact artifacts. The 322 Postcontact (19th and early 20th centuries) artifacts include: architectural objects; lighting equipment; food processing; clothing; recreation; adornment; house-wares; faunal remains; containers; and dinnerware. The 27 Precontact (post 700 BP, Late Woodland) artifacts include lithics, ceramics, and faunal and floral remains.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Parking Lot. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Pre-Con Builders. [ CRM report (41pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Island Area Road Works: Donald Street to Main Street
Monitoring of new road construction in conjunction with the construction of the Main and Norwood Bridges yielded only 12 Recent (1900-present) artifacts from the following categories: transportation; faunal remains; and glass storage containers. Features include the structural remnants of two buildings (the Arctic Ice Company and a dwelling). Stratigraphy is discussed, and appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1998. Archaeological Monitoring of the Island Area Road Works: Donald Street to Main Street. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (15pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Main Street Retaining Wall for the CN Overpass Reconstruction Project
Monitoring consisted of visual observation of mechanized excavation. No diagnostic artifacts were found, however 2 brick layers and a few fragments of concrete and milled lumber were observed. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring of the Main Street Retaining Wall for the CN Overpass Reconstruction Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (6pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Northbound Main Street Bridge Construction Project
Monitoring of mechanized excavation on the banks of the Assiniboine River uncovered a total of 447 artifacts, dating between 1911-1960s (clustering around the late 1940s). Artifacts categories include: architectural objects; science; medicine; communication; clothing; recreation; transportation; housewares; floral and faunal remains; glass and ceramic storage, cooking, and ornamental containers; metal, plastic, glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy and artifacts indicate bank-rebuilding after 1940, and a flood prone south bank. Many artifacts were from restaurants and automotive repair facilities, and where possible, bottles and dinnerware are identified by manufacturer. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring of the Northbound Main Street Bridge Construction Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM monograph report (91pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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