17 Results Found
Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations for the Proposed Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks
During monitoring of soil-test drilling numerous soil horizons were observed which pre-date the railroad period. No artifacts were recovered, and minimal evidence of cultural occupation was observed.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations for the Proposed Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Manitoba Theatre for Young People, DS-Lea Consultants Ltd.. [ CRM report (11pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of Piling Augering for the Access Ramp at The Forks
Six piling holes were drilled and each provided a similar profile, with no evidence of archaeological horizons.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Piling Augering for the Access Ramp at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership. [ CRM report (5pp)(TFNP, HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Archaeological Monitoring of Pumphouse Relocation Component of the Main/Norwood Bridge Project
Monitoring of the caisson drilling program yielded no evidence of Precontact Aboriginal or Postcontact European occupations.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Pumphouse Relocation Component of the Main/Norwood Bridge Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (7pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of Steam Plant Foundation Inspection at The Forks
Archaeological monitoring of drilling involved with existing piling construction inspection yielded no material evidence of past occupations, except for soil deposition post-dating 1947 building construction.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Steam Plant Foundation Inspection at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Boge & Boge. [ CRM report (6pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the 1989/90 Landscaping Program
Impact assessment conducted on the area on the north bank of the Assiniboine River recovered artifact samples from: Historic Railroad (AD 1888 to 1988); Historic Early Industrial; Precontact Native Ceramic (possibly Selkirk, AD 1000-1750); and Archaic (920 ± 80 BC) Periods. Precontact artifacts include lithic tools, ceramics, and faunal remains. Historic artifacts include: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; science, medicine, communication, commerce, transportation, and recreation related artifacts; food procurement and processing; clothing and clothing manufacture; adornment; house wares; dinnerware; storage, cooking and ornamental containers; floral and faunal remains. Historic glass and ceramic wares were identified by maker’s mark. Features include remnants of a spur railroad line and the Hudson’s Bay Company Flour Mill complex (1872-1907).
1989-90. Archaeological Monitoring of the 1989/90 Landscaping Program. Winnipeg:The Forks Renewal Corporation. [ CRM report (2pp.)(on file at PC) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Festival Park Gateway Installation
No evidence of cultural occupation was encountered during monitoring of auger drilling. Detailed stratigraphic profiles of the holes are provided.
2000. Archaeological Monitoring of the Festival Park Gateway Installation. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership. [ CRM report (11pp)(TFNP, HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of The Forks Axial Pathway from Esplanade Riel (Pedestrian Bridge) to VIA Rail Station
Monitoring of auger drilling included recording of soil stratigraphy but did not yield any artifacts. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail for each excavated component: water feature profiles; wet well profile; site drainage catchbasin; peace meeting interpretive node profiles; and tree planting trenches. The report concludes that the sub-surface components of the pathway had no impact on archaeological resources.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of The Forks Axial Pathway from Esplanade Riel (Pedestrian Bridge) to VIA Rail Station. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Submitted to Scatliff, Miller and Murray. [ CRM report (18pp)(TFNP pdf, HRB) ]
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Geo-Technical Investigations along the VIA Right-of-Way at The Forks
Monitoring of four small, drilled holes as part of minimal geo-technical investigations did not yield any artifacts and did not allow for definitive conclusions to be drawn regarding the existence of sub-surface cultural horizons in the vicinity of the right-of-way. The observed stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2001. Archaeological Monitoring of the Geo-Technical Investigations along the VIA Right-of-Way at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership. [ CRM report (8pp)(TFNP, HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Healing Rock Pilings Installation
Monitoring of 3 augered piling holes indicated considerable prior disturbance at the location. No evidence of archaeological horizons or relict soil horizons was observed.
1998. Archaeological Monitoring of the Healing Rock Pilings Installation. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Historic Resources. Manitoba Culture Heritage and Tourism. [ CRM report (2pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Main Street Retaining Wall for the CN Overpass Reconstruction Project
Monitoring consisted of visual observation of mechanized excavation. No diagnostic artifacts were found, however 2 brick layers and a few fragments of concrete and milled lumber were observed. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
1996. Archaeological Monitoring of the Main Street Retaining Wall for the CN Overpass Reconstruction Project. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.. [ CRM report (6pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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