101 Results Found
Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installation for the Manitoba Children's Museum at The Forks
Monitoring of installations yielded 404 artifacts relating to the following periods: Late Woodland (AD 500-1737); Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Immigration Sheds (1872-1885); and Railroad (1888-1988). Precontact artifacts are limited to lithic and faunal remains. Postcontact artifacts represent the following categories: architectural objects; transportations; smoking equipment; ceramic, glass, and metal dinnerware, storage, and ornamental containers; clothing; detritus. Features recovered include brick foundations, a midden, and a Precontact occupation site. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installation for the Manitoba Children's Museum at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for The Forks Renewal Corporation, Manitoba Children's Museum, Winnipeg Hydro. [ CRM report (32pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installations for the Provencher Pedestrian Bridge
The installation of service components was monitored, yielding 199 Historic artifacts from the early half of the 20th century which represent the following categories: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; clothing; housewares; transportation; unknown; faunal remains; glass, ceramic, and metal storage, cooking, and ornamental containers; and dinnerware. Where possible, containers and dinnerware are identified by manufacturer and/or pattern. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installations for the Provencher Pedestrian Bridge. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Submitted to Wardrop Engineering Inc.. [ CRM report (45pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of Steam Plant Foundation Inspection at The Forks
Archaeological monitoring of drilling involved with existing piling construction inspection yielded no material evidence of past occupations, except for soil deposition post-dating 1947 building construction.
1995. Archaeological Monitoring of Steam Plant Foundation Inspection at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Boge & Boge. [ CRM report (6pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the 1989/90 Landscaping Program
Impact assessment conducted on the area on the north bank of the Assiniboine River recovered artifact samples from: Historic Railroad (AD 1888 to 1988); Historic Early Industrial; Precontact Native Ceramic (possibly Selkirk, AD 1000-1750); and Archaic (920 ± 80 BC) Periods. Precontact artifacts include lithic tools, ceramics, and faunal remains. Historic artifacts include: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; science, medicine, communication, commerce, transportation, and recreation related artifacts; food procurement and processing; clothing and clothing manufacture; adornment; house wares; dinnerware; storage, cooking and ornamental containers; floral and faunal remains. Historic glass and ceramic wares were identified by maker’s mark. Features include remnants of a spur railroad line and the Hudson’s Bay Company Flour Mill complex (1872-1907).
1989-90. Archaeological Monitoring of the 1989/90 Landscaping Program. Winnipeg:The Forks Renewal Corporation. [ CRM report (2pp.)(on file at PC) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Bonnycastle Park Amphitheatre Excavations
Monitoring of construction excavation yielded a few historic-era artifacts, likely dating to previous construction in the area. These materials were not diagnostic and represented secondary deposition, so they were not collected.
1991. Archaeological Monitoring of the Bonnycastle Park Amphitheatre Excavations. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Scatliff and Rech. [ CRM report (8pp)(HRB) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Expansion
Monitoring of the expansion of south-side seating facilities yielded a total of 1155 Precontact artifacts in the following categories: lithic; ceramic; floral and faunal remains. Preliminary identification of 2 ceramic rim sherds suggests Devil’s Lake-Sourisford and Oneota affiliation. As these types likely originated a significant distance away from The Forks, the cultural horizon is attributed to the Aboriginal Peace Meeting (640 years ago). Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Expansion. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Pre-Con Builders. [ CRM report (20pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Parking Lot
Monitoring of the construction of the baseball facility parking lot between Pioneer and Water Avenues yielded Pre- and Postcontact artifacts. The 322 Postcontact (19th and early 20th centuries) artifacts include: architectural objects; lighting equipment; food processing; clothing; recreation; adornment; house-wares; faunal remains; containers; and dinnerware. The 27 Precontact (post 700 BP, Late Woodland) artifacts include lithics, ceramics, and faunal and floral remains.
2003. Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Parking Lot. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Pre-Con Builders. [ CRM report (41pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Components of Festival Park at The Forks (2000)
Monitoring of three locations yielded a total of 1288 artifacts. Precontact artifacts (641) were recovered from 2-4 cultural horizons that are associated with earlier identified horizons dated to AD 1225-1285. Historic/Recent artifacts (647) are from the Railroad Period (1888-1989). Artifacts represent the following categories: lithics; architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; transportation; glass and ceramic ornamental and storage containers; dinnerware; communication; food processing; clothing; recreation; transportation; floral and faunal remains. Some beverage containers and dinnerware are dated (1904-1911) and detailed by manufacturer. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
2000. Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Components of Festival Park at The Forks (2000). Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership. [ CRM report (79pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Eastbound Component of the Provencher Paired Bridges
Monitoring of mechanized excavation and drilling allowed for recovery of diagnostic artifacts and recording of stratigraphic profiles. Artifacts were recovered from 2 main periods of deposition: around World War I and post-1950. The following categories were represented: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; medicine; communication; food processing; commerce; clothing; recreation; adornment; transportation; faunal and floral remains; storage, cooking, ornamental containers; dinnerware. A brief historical overview covers the early 1820s to 1955, and stratigraphy is detailed by layer.
2002. Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Eastbound Component of the Provencher Paired Bridges. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Submitted to Wardrop Engineering Inc.. [ CRM monograph report (145pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks
Monitoring of auger holes and excavations yielded 28 artifacts from Precontact, Homestead and Industrial periods in the following categories: faunal remains; architectural objects; clothing; floral recoveries; soil; and containers. Historical context is briefly discussed for the following periods: First Inhabitants (8000 BC-AD 1737), including Archaic (3000 BC-AD 1) and Woodland (AD 1-1737); Contact (1737-1821), including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888); and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphy is discussed in detail, providing information on flood activity at The Forks over the last 3000 years. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1999. Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Manitoba Theatre for Young People. [ CRM report (30pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Site de fouilles
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