101 Results Found
Preliminary Report on Archaeological Investigations in Bonnycastle Park, (Upper Fort Garry), 1982
This is a second report on an excavation in Bonnycastle Park, discussing early historic Upper Fort Garry (1835-1895) and late historic post-Upper Fort Garry. Three cobble and mortar alignments were found to be wall foundations. Two log structures were identified as a privy pit (outhouse), dating to the occupation of the 6th Regiment of Foot, 1846-1848. The pits contained rich deposits of organic materials (including plant remains) in water-saturated matrixes. There are charts and drawings of the stratigraphy, artifact lists and plant analysis.
1983. Preliminary Report on Archaeological Investigations in Bonnycastle Park, (Upper Fort Garry), 1982. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 7(4): 3-29.. [ Journal article (FNHSC, MM) ]
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Preliminary Report on Archaeological Investigations in Bonnycastle Park, (Upper Fort Garry), 1983
8(3&4): 30-50
1984. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. [ Journal article (FNHSC, MM) ]
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Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations in Bonnycastle Park, 1981
This is an excavation report of Bonnycastle Park, tracing the search for remains of early historic Upper Fort Garry (1835-1895) and late historic post-Upper Fort Garry. The report includes historical background of the area, aims, field procedures, stratification, cultural materials and artifact lists. The discovery of an unknown log structure was one of interest. Maps, drawings and photographs are included.
1981. Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations in Bonnycastle Park, 1981. [ Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 6(3): 46-61. Journal article (FNHSC, MM) ]
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Progress Report on Monk's East Yards Research, 1988, Volumes 1 & 2
1989. Progress Report on Monk's East Yards Research, 1988, Volumes 1 & 2. Winnipeg. Prepared for Progress Report for the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature. [ Research report (21pp. plus artifact catalogue)(MM) ]
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Project #400480 The Forks National Historic Site Electrical Services Upgrade
1999. Project #400480 The Forks National Historic Site Electrical Services Upgrade. Winnipeg:Parks Canada, Western Canada Service Centre. [ Memo (on file PC) ]
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Provencher Bridge Project Archaeological Impact Assessment
Assessment of the impact of bridge construction reports on recoveries from a total of 26 test holes excavated by backhoe and Geo-Technical drilling. 1387 artifacts were recovered from at least seven discrete occupations representing the following periods: Railroad (1885-1988); Historic Flood (between 1826 and 1881); and Late Woodland (AD 1000-1750) including evidence of at least five occupations, Blackduck ceramics (AD 500 to 1750), and indications of extensive trade and seasonal visitation to The Forks. Appendices include Geo-Technical data and artifact catalogue.
1989. Provencher Bridge Project Archaeological Impact Assessment. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for Prepared for Wardrop Engineering Inc.. [ CRM report (58pp)(HRB, MM) ]
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St. Mary Archaeological Recovery Project: Interim Report
1990. St. Mary Archaeological Recovery Project: Interim Report. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for City of Winnipeg Streets and Transportation Department. [ CRM report (51pp. plus catalogue of artifacts)(HRB, MM) ]
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The East Yards Archaeological Project, 1988 and 1990: Final Report. Manitoba Archaeological Journal
W The East Yards Archaeological report discusses the economic and social evolution of the Red River Settlement. Included is: an Introduction, History of Investigation, Methods, Stratification, Features (The cellar, The Sea of Brick), Chronology, Recoveries (artifacts, faunal), Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. There are Figures (maps, artifact photos, drawings) and Tables (stratum, trenches, ceramics, fauna, glass, metal, pipes, clothing).
2005. The East Yards Archaeological Project, 1988 and 1990: Final Report. Manitoba Archaeological Journal. Winnipeg:15(1&2). [ Journal article (MAS, MM) ]
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The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I)
This report documents the procedures, findings and interpretations resulting from the 1989 public archaeology program at The Forks. Historical background covers the following periods: First Inhabitants (3000 BC - AD 1737); Contact (1737-1821); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888) and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphy is discussed in relation to the following periods: Railway (1888-1988); B&B Building Construction (1888/89); Pre-railway/Post-1826 Flood; 1826 Flood; and Fur Trade (1737-1821). Recovered artifacts are discussed in the following categories: glass; historic ceramics; smoking pipes; nails; fasteners; metal; arms and ammunition; miscellaneous organic and inorganic; fauna; beads; lithics; worked bone; and Native ceramics. Analysis, interpretation, and recommendations conclude the report. Appendices include a list of the volunteers and schools involved, seed analysis, and scientific nomenclature.
1990. The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I). Winnipeg. Prepared for Canadian Parks Service, The Forks Renewal Corporation, and Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Citizenship. [ CRM monograph report (158 pp.)(FNHSC, TFNP, HRB, MM, on file at PC) ]
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The Forks geo-technical bore hole monitoring
1987. The Forks geo-technical bore hole monitoring. Winnipeg:Untitled field notes on file, Department of Canadian Heritage. [ Field notes (1pp.)(MM, PC) ]
. Material Recovered
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