30 Results Found
The Conservation of Wood/Metal Artifacts from Upper Fort Garry
This article discusses the conservation of wet, organic artifacts discovered in the southwest section of Upper Fort Garry in Bonnycastle Park between 1981-1983. The artifacts were cleaned, consolidated, and dried by conservation staff at The Manitoba Museum. The methods and materials used are discussed, and photographs of the treated artifacts are included.
1988. The Conservation of Wood/Metal Artifacts from Upper Fort Garry. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. [ 12(3): 51-58. (MM) ]
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The East Yards Archaeological Project, 1988 and 1990: Final Report
The East Yards Archaeological report discusses the economic and social evolution of the Red River Settlement. Included is: an Introduction, History of Investigation, Methods, Stratification, Features (The cellar, The Sea of Brick), Chronology, Recoveries (artifacts, faunal), Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. There are Figures (maps, artifact photos, drawings) and Tables (stratum, trenches, ceramics, fauna, glass, metal, pipes, clothing).
2005. The East Yards Archaeological Project, 1988 and 1990: Final Report. Manitoba Archaeological Journal. 15(1&2). [ Journal article (MAS, MM) ]
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The Forks
This paper presents the results of Park Canada’s 1984 excavations at The Forks. The excavation recovered remains from: modern times (1950-1984), railway (1880-1950), pre-railway/post-Fort Gibraltar I (1826-1880), immediate post-Fort Gibraltar I (1826), Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816) and pre-Fort Gibraltar I (pre1810). The layers analyzed include the Experimental Farm, 1826 flood, and several middens (ash-filled pits and a cribbed cellar). There was evidence of 9 to 10 prehistoric occupation levels (with three dates), pertaining possibly to Blackduck. There are a map and photographs.
The Forks. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 9(3): 31-43. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 9(3): 31-43. [ Journal article (FNHSC, HRB, MM) ]
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The Forks National Historic Site Costumes (Eastern European 1880-1920)
Reference for costume style and construction, binder of photocopied photos, fabric swatches, and drawings.
1991. The Forks National Historic Site Costumes (Eastern European 1880-1920). Winnipeg:The Forks National Historic Site Canada. [ Reference collection (52pp.)(FNHSC) ]
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The Forks National Historic Site of Canada - Archaeological Artifact Catalogue
This artifact catalogue was prepared as a guide to the inventory of Forks artifacts stored at the Western Canada Service Centre in Winnipeg. Consisting of a dataset of 151 reference collection artifacts, it reflects the following periods: Precontact (ca. 8000 B.P. – AD 1737); Fur Trade (1737-1821); Northwest Company Forts Gibraltar I & II (1810-1821); Hudson’s Bay Company Fort Garry (ca. 1821-1882); Hudson’s Bay Company Experimental Farm (1836-1841); and Railway Period (1888-1988). Artifacts were recovered during archaeology testing programs in the summers of 1984, 1987, and 1988 in the areas of Forts Gibraltar I and II, the Railway Period occupation, North Point, and during the public archaeology program from 1989 to 1991.
2003. The Forks National Historic Site of Canada - Archaeological Artifact Catalogue. Winnipeg. Prepared for Manitoba Field Unit, Cultural Resource Services, Western Canada Service Centre, Parks Canada. [ Manuscript report (70pp.)(FNHSC, MM, on file PC pdf) ]
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The Forks National Historic Site of Canada: Cultural Resource Inventory and Cumulative Impacts Analysis
This report is a summary of archaeological projects on The Forks National Historic Site and over 50 projects on The Forks Site from 1984 to 2001. Geological and human history are briefly introduced, covering the following Periods: Palaeo-Indian (ca. 12,000-8000 B. P.); Archaic (ca. 8000-2000 B.P.); Woodland (ca. 2200-200 B.P.); Contact (1737-1821); Fort Gibraltar I & II (1810-1821); Transition (1821-1870); Experimental Farm (1836-1841); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888); and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphic developments and cultural deposits are summarized by area across the sites. Included are an annotated bibliography, historic maps, and the only summary maps showing the distribution of all archaeological projects at The Forks sites.
2002. The Forks National Historic Site of Canada: Cultural Resource Inventory and Cumulative Impacts Analysis. Winnipeg. Prepared for Report prepared for Manitoba Field Unit, on file, Cultural Resource Services Unit, Western Canada Service Centre, Parks Canada. [ Monograph report (126pp. plus 2 maps) (FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, PC pdf) ]
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The Forts at the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers
This is a discussion of historical evidence of the four major Fur Trade establishments: Fort Rouge (1738, during La Vérendrye period, 1731-1744); the North West Company’s Forts Gibraltar I and II (1810-1821); Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Fort Garry I (1822-1835); and HBC Upper Fort Garry (1835-1885).
1980. The Forts at the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research Bulletin (34pp.)(FNHSC, MM, PC) ]
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The North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company Forts: 1810-1830
This paper presents a structural history of Forts Gibraltar I and II, Fort Garry and Upper Fort Garry. The article contains descriptive accounts by witnesses, details of various buildings, fort locations, construction techniques and the archaeological significance. There are maps and drawings of landscapes and construction details.
1982. The North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company Forts: 1810-1830. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 6(3): 26-45. [ 6(3): 26-45. Journal article (FNHSC, MM) ]
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The Upper Fort Garry Courthouse and Gaol: Salvage Excavations of a Historic Midden in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba
This article is a report on a midden feature uncovered during construction of an underground parkade at Fort Garry Place. Salvage excavation of the feature yielded primarily faunal remains, nails, construction hardware, and ceramics. The midden is related to the Upper Fort Garry courthouse, gaol and hospital from ca.1844 to 1880. It was a significant find as the majority of structures within the fort were impacted between 1890-1950. There is also a discussion of the comparison with other Red River sites. Maps, historical photographs, excavation and artifact photographs are also included.
1990-91. The Upper Fort Garry Courthouse and Gaol: Salvage Excavations of a Historic Midden in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. Saskatchewan Archaeology. Vol. 11 & 12: 26-45. [ Journal article (MM, UM) ]
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