199 Results Found
Crossroads of the Continent: A History of the Forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers
2003. Crossroads of the Continent: A History of the Forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. Winnipeg:Heartland Associates Inc.. [ Monograph (176pp.)(FNHSC) ]
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Dendrochronological Dating of Wooden Structures Unearthed on Main Street in 1996 (Appendix B).
1998. Dendrochronological Dating of Wooden Structures Unearthed on Main Street in 1996 (Appendix B). Winnipeg:Quarternary Consultants Ltd.. [ In Archaeology of Main Street Roadworks: York Avenue to Tache Avenue 1996-1998, pp212-216 CRM report (HRB, MM) ]
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Des Femmes à la colonie de la Rivière Rouge: Les Soeur Grises de 1884 à 1864
Cette lecture examine les raisons pour lesquelles Les Soeurs Gris se sont aventurées par la voie des canots dans l’ouest en 1844. C’est beaucoup des textes écrier par les Soeurs (Mère McMullen et les Soeurs Marie Louis Valade, Marie-Hedwige Lafrance, St. Joseph, Marie-Xavier (Margaret Dunn), Cécile Cusson, Mary Curran, Rose Clapin, Ste. Thérèse (Teresa McDonnell), Fisette (Marie-Justine Dupuy) et par Monsigneur Provencher. Aussi, c’est les noms des Missionnaires qui sont venus seconder Monsigneur Provencher. Une carte de l’itinéraire pris par les Soeurs Gris est incluse.
1998. Des Femmes à la colonie de la Rivière Rouge: Les Soeur Grises de 1884 à 1864. [ Lecture (FNHSC) ]
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Detecting Economic Variability in the Red River Settlement
.Dispossession or Adaption? Migration and Persistence of the Red River Métis, 1835-1890
1988. Dispossession or Adaption? Migration and Persistence of the Red River Métis, 1835-1890. Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers. [ p120-144 ]
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Dispossession vs. Accommodation in Plaintiff vs. Defendant Accounts of Métis Dispersal from Manitoba, 1870-1881
1991. Dispossession vs. Accommodation in Plaintiff vs. Defendant Accounts of Métis Dispersal from Manitoba, 1870-1881. Prairie Forum, 16(2). [ 137-156 ]
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East Yard Task Force Study: Assessment of Five Buildings in the East Yards (Southern Portion)
This document presents information on five buildings in the following categories: name, date of building, past and present uses, main exterior and interior features, roof, vertical circulation, windows and doors, insulation and vapour barrier, heating and electrical, re-use potential, and renovation costs. An appendix includes an engineer's description of structural systems and conditions for each building.
1986. East Yard Task Force Study: Assessment of Five Buildings in the East Yards (Southern Portion). Winnipeg:Gaboury Associates Architects Inc.. [ Planning report (20pp)(HRB, MM) ]
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Fabrics from Upper Fort Garry: Unusual Archaeological Evidence
This thesis compares the economic value of fur-trade era textiles from Upper Fort Garry (DlLg-21) recovered from two privies (outhouses), of which at least one dates to the military occupation of the Sixth Regiment of Foot (1844-48), to contemporaneous materials from York Factory. A sample of 436 textile pieces (20%) was chosen from a large sample of 2,181 items, one of the largest samples recovered in Canada of a rarely surviving artifact category. Results found the privies to be similar in terms of economic value, fibre type and textile structure, to each other and the York Factory sample.
Fabrics from Upper Fort Garry: Unusual Archaeological Evidence. Winnipeg:Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba. [ M.A. Thesis (171pp)(UM) ]
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Faunal Analysis of The Forks (Winnipeg) (21K1 to 21K6)
This report on the analysis of faunal material recovered from Parks Canada’s 1984 excavations at The Forks records information on species, skeletal element, modification, and minimum numbers of individuals. The data is used to provide information on the butchering techniques and diet as well as seasonality and lifestyle.
1985. Faunal Analysis of The Forks (Winnipeg) (21K1 to 21K6). Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research monograph (PC) ]
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