2 Results Found
Archaeological Investigation of the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1984
Report on the archaeological investigations carried out at the future site of The Forks NHS. Includes an historical overview, project objectives and findings of historic as well as pre-contact remains. Investigations were focused on suspected locations of Forts Gibraltar I and II and included soil testing using a truck-mounted auger.
1986. Archaeological Investigation of the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1984. Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research bulletin (17pp.)(FNHSC, MM, PC) ]
. Material Recovered
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Archaeology at The Forks: An Initial Assessment
This report outlines the research appraoch and field techniques, including auger drilling and backhoe trenching, of the inital Parks CAnada archaeological testing at The Forks site in 1984. Historic background is outlined in terms of previous archaeology and Precontact occupations. Findings at Forts Gibraltar I and II, as well as the remains of the railway, are disucssed. Accomplishments are summarised, and the potential is outlined. Appendices include layer/event descriptions for Forts Gibraltar I and II; results of soil testing; wood sample identification; radiocarbon dates; and artifacts from areas around Forts Gibraltar I and II. Numerous illustrations and photos are also included.
1986. Ottawa:Environment Canada, Parks Service. [ Research monograph (225pp)(FNHSC, PC) ]
. Material Recovered
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